Inspire Day 2: Key takeaways and big moments

• 3 min read
Inspire is officially here and we kicked the full event off in style!We had an incredible talk with Josh Bersin, learned from speakers at AWS, Google, and Accenture, and heard from over a dozen leaders in learning. Let’s dive into the big themes, takeaways, and moments! Key takeaway #1: Every conference should include goat yoga.

1: AI is transforming learning (go figure)

We can’t talk enough about AI. Day 2 saw us get strategic in a heavy-hitting panel with Google and Accenture. Then we got tactical with practical sessions like "Enhancing Docebo with ChatGPT." We even took a philosophical turn with a talk about how AI can help build human connection. The jist? Instead of becoming more mechanistic to interact with a machine, you need to bring your humanity to the AI. And as it turns out, AI is perfectly capable of optimizing for human connection (or anything else). You just have to remember to ask.The fact is, AI can elevate everything from instructional design to personalized learning to whodunnit theme parties, making it a must-have tool in modern L&D strategies.Josh Bersin talked about the future of learning (and AI plays a big role!)

2: Immersive experiences might just be The Next Big Thing™️. Again.

Intuitively, we all know that interactive, participatory learning is best. And yet we often default to isolated, observation-based learning, delivered 100% digitally. Nowadays, so much of our lives are digital-first and digital-only. Multiple sessions explored the power of immersive and gamified learning and how they can transform the learning experience. And get this: You can even blend offline techniques with online platforms to reinvigorate learner engagement and retention.Chris Morton from AWS had a full room for his session on gamified learning.

3: Personalization and scalability are key

We got two incredible talks on personalization: How to Deliver Personalization at Scale and Unleashing AI to Craft Personalized Learning Adventures.These sessions were incredibly fun, with one even taking the form of a learning adventure, with the audience getting mission objectives and passing different levels as the talk progressed.Here are two tips to get you thinking: 
  • Personalization doesn’t have to be top-down. You can give learners the power to personalize their own experience—like by creating personalized course playlists or learning plans. And if you make these accessible to others, you’ll have a greater variety of tailored content without any added effort.
  • Personalization isn’t just about content. It can also be about the user experience of your learner platform, the modality of the content presented, and more. Get creative and think outside the box.
Your mission—should you choose to accept it—is to master the creation of personalized learning journeys.

4: If your organization excels at learning, you probably excel elsewhere too 

Here’s a stat that blew us away: If you’re a high-performance learning organization, you are 19x more likely to be using cognitive technology (like AI). Or, put another way: It’s almost impossible to be high-performing without AI. That must be part of the reason that 76% of HR leaders think they’ll be lagging behind if they don’t adopt Generative AI in the next 12 months.Want to be a high-performing organization? Learn better, with better tools.

5: We're makin' it official: Alessio Artuffo is our permanent CEO!

 After serving as our interim CEO since March (and being with Docebo for over a decade!) we're thrilled to have this cowboy at our helm.
We are in the business of improving people. Our technology is in support of growing people’s life, skills, career, and their ability to better themselves.

Most popular session

Goat yoga. The most popular session was goat yoga. Is anyone surprised?

Best session title

Not only is the pun amazing, but this session was a conversation between experts at Docebo, Google, and Accenture all about the role of AI in Learning and Development.Questions included:
  • What do you see from your unique perspectives as your work with AI?
  • What can AI bring to the table for learning technologies?
  • What’s the role of data?
  • What does future-proofing AI look like? What can organizations do today?

Best out-of-context slide

This talk wasn’t about science fiction. If you want to know what it was about, you should have been at Inspire 2024…

We're not finished!

Love these lessons? Good, because we’ve got one more big day coming, featuring more amazing speakers and enlightening sessions, including a keynote by the legendary Sal Khan!