Learning isn’t just about employees.

If a customer is learning with you, they’re likely to be highly engaged, a power user and brand advocate, stickier and more loyal, and have a higher average spend.

The data agrees: High-success organizations are more than twice as likely to offer certification programs to their customers and nearly three times as many of their customers are utilizing in-depth education programs (23% vs 8%) [4].

So why isn’t everyone doing it? There are a few reasons. First, a company’s product or service simply may not be complex enough to warrant customer training. Fair enough. But just as often, a business would benefit immensely but is simply missing the opportunity. This may be because they see customer training as more difficult and resource-intensive than it is. Or they may not quite understand just how big the upside could be.

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By focusing on customer education, Acoustic was able to raise their Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) by 16%. Similarly, Wrike discovered that users who complete their onboarding course are twice as engaged and have 3x higher conversion rate. And Zoom (heard of them?) was thrilled to discover that their customer education portal was saving their CSM team hundreds of hours.

These are all great business results. But look at it from the learners’ perspective: Higher customer satisfaction scores mean happier customers. Higher conversion rates mean more confident buyers. And fewer CSM hours mean users are getting the skills and answers they need on-demand, increasing satisfaction.

So what do Acoustic, Wrike, and Zoom all have in common? 
They did it with Docebo. And you can too.

When it comes to customer education, it’s a tough crowd. You need to make the value and ROI extremely (and obviously) tangible. This means going beyond simple, static content like brochures and training videos and embracing more sophisticated education programs.

However, don’t confuse ‘sophisticated’ for ‘time-consuming.’ Customers generally have the least amount of time to spend on learning compared to other audiences. Learning should be efficient and bite-sized, so if you’ve got a 30-minute training module, consider shortening it into five 6-minute chunks.

You can follow in the footsteps of many Docebo customers and build a customer academy. In that case, we recommend reading 
this article about building a partner academy, as many of the same best practices will apply.

Once customers get their first taste of learning results, they will typically lean in. You just need to give them the ability to track and measure success.

Finally, remember that no learning is unidirectional. Customers are full of insights and strategies that can benefit your team! Make sure there are channels to capture those insights.

📣 In many ways, learning is about confidence. And when learners feel confident and well-equipped, they’re happier, more engaged, and more loyal. No matter what audience they’re a part of.

Customer education is the ultimate growth hack. Here’s why

The data is in for customer ed

The opportunity is massive

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