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Docebo – Onboarding Services

current as of April 1, 2024


Docebo will provide Customer with its “Essential” package of onboarding services. This package includes a designated Solution Deployment Manager (defined in section 2.1) who guides administrators through the defined phases and milestones to ensure a successful and timely launch over the course of eight (8) weeks (the “Delivery Period”) from the initial meeting where the Parties will establish the commencement of the onboarding services (the “Kickoff”). The onboarding services will be delivered via consulting and feedback calls (up to 60 minutes per week) at a cadence to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. Project support is provided via email in addition to weekly consulting calls.

1.0 Delivery Schedule

1.1 Onboarding 

The weekly schedule, phases and milestones for the onboarding service are as follows:

Weeks 1-2: Project Kickoff and discovery

The Kickoff and discovery phase of onboarding will occur in the first two weeks and the Parties will work together to set the stage for a successful implementation of the Software Service. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule a Kickoff call to introduce stakeholders, review the contract, review roles and responsibilities, and set expectations;
  • schedule a discovery call to review Customer use cases as submitted via the discovery exercise;
  • create an onboarding plan that outlines minimum viable product (“MVP”) features, functionality, use cases, and workflows desired for the initial launch of the Docebo platform.

In this period Customer will:

  • access Docebo University and complete the administrator training;
  • complete the discovery exercise and provide the use case document to the Docebo resource prior to project Kickoff;
  • attend and participate in the Kickoff and discovery calls; and
  • assemble their onboarding project team.

Once the above is completed by the Parties, the next phase of onboarding may commence.

Weeks 3-5: Configuration

The configuration phase of onboarding will occur between weeks 3-5 and in this period Docebo will support and guide Customer as they make decisions on the configuration of their platform to align to their use cases. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule and host weekly consulting and feedback calls;
  • advise Customer on a number of topics that will include, but is not limited to:
    • user management (users, branches, power users, groups)
    • platform branding (pages, menus, widgets, logos, colors, images)
    • content management (central repository, training materials, courses, learning plans, certifications, catalogs, enrollments)
    • reports (creating and managing user and course reports)
    • notifications (managing and sending notifications)
    • additional apps and features as applicable (enrollment rules, certifications, gamification, etc)
  • support Customer in validating configured workflows and completion of agreed-upon use cases.

In this period Customer will:

  • attend weekly consulting and feedback calls;
  • complete assigned activities and training prior to each weekly call; and
  • configure and validate configurations in the platform in preparation for launch.
Weeks 6-7: Validate and launch 

In the final weeks, Docebo will support Customer as they perform final validations in preparation for the launch of the Software Service to their identified End Users. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • provide guidance to prepare for final validations ahead of agreed upon launch date; and
  • support and guide Customer via weekly status, email and additional ad hoc meetings to address feedback and resolve gaps identified.

In this period Customer will:

  • complete full cycle of validation within the platform to prepare for planned launch; and
  • participate in meetings to address feedback and resolve gaps prior to planned launch.

Once final plans for launch of the Software Service have occurred, Docebo will schedule a final call with Customer to transition them to Docebo’s Customer Experience Team. 

Weeks 8: Project closure and transition to adoption phase 

Docebo will support Customer as they prepare to transition from onboarding to Docebo’s Customer Experience team.  As preparation for this transition, we will work to define the next phase of adoption of the Software Service.  

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule onboarding closure transition meeting;
  • continue to support Customer through transition to the Docebo Customer Experience Team; and
  • send an onboarding completion survey.

In this period Customer will:

  • determine next phase of adoption;
  • attend onboarding closure and transition meeting; and
  • provide feedback to Docebo via the onboarding completion survey.

1.2 Data Migration 

As part of the onboarding services Docebo will provide data migration services during the Delivery Period to assist with moving Customer’s historical data into Customer’s instance of the Docebo platform.

In this period Docebo will:

  • provide a document describing the CSV format required for import into the Docebo platform;
  • execute migration on the following data types up to 100,000 total records:
    • users
    • course shells
    • ILT sessions
    • certifications
    • enrollment records
  • migrate up to 150 training materials;
  • perform one (1) iteration of the data migration for each import type in the Customer sandbox. (If Customer does not have a sandbox, a temporary one will be provided); and
  • perform one (1) iteration of the data migration in the Customer production environment to occur only after the Customer has signed off on the sandbox migration.

In this period Customer will:

  • obtain all necessary data required for the import process and provide it to Docebo in the CSV format specified in the Docebo migration document;
  • review the sandbox data fully and sign off on the sandbox migration prior to the production migration; and 
  • responsible for fixing any source data issues identified in the sandbox migration prior to the production migration.

For clarity, Docebo makes no guarantee of the data quality of import files provided by the Customer. In the event of a data quality issue due to formatting or data integrity issues in the Customer-provided CSV files, additional charges to rectify such issues may apply.

2.0 Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 Docebo Roles

This Section outlines the roles provided by Docebo, either directly or through the approved Subcontractor, at its direction, in this project and their responsibilities during the Docebo onboarding service. 

Docebo Project Team
Solution Deployment ManagerDocebo platform expert to provide best practice guidance and support on how to leverage platform functionality to meet business requirements. Facilitates scheduled virtual meetings, supports project updates, and provides email support. 
Project SponsorDocebo Professional Services leader is designated to oversee the success of the project and act as a strategic partner. Participates in ad hoc virtual meetings as needed and monitors the progress of the overall project to ensure seamless delivery. 

2.2 Customer Roles

This Section outlines the required Customer roles, responsibilities, and estimated time commitments needed to implement and configure the Docebo platform. All of the responsibilities listed must be covered but may be managed within the scope of a required role. 

Customer Project Team

*Required Resource

ResponsibilitiesEstimated Weekly Effort 
*Leadership Sponsor Leadership Sponsor to the project, key decision maker, ensures project goals are aligned to Customer strategy, and participates in executive review sessions as needed. As needed 
*Platform AdminLeads setup of the Docebo platform to meet desired use cases. Receives platform admin training to become familiar with the Docebo platform. Owns configurations of the system for all operational requirements. 20 – 30 hours 
*IT StakeholderMeets with the Docebo project resource(s) and owns the configuration of APIs, Webhooks, SSO configuration, 3rd party system integrations, etc. Attends troubleshooting calls as necessary.   Generally, effort is increased during the integration and data migration phases when applicable.  2 – 6 hours 
Project ManagerCoordinates activities across other teams and individuals within the Customer. 5 -10 hours 
Platform Admin (Backup)Assists with the setup of the Docebo platform to meet desired use cases. Receives platform admin training to become familiar with the Docebo platform.5 – 15 hours 
Business Stakeholder(s)Defines use case(s) required for the Docebo platform and other products. Generally, effort is increased during the Discovery phase. As needed 
Marketing/DesignProvides branding and style guidance and owns the configuration of platform design and branding elements.  Generally, effort is increased during the initial weeks of configuration to establish branding. 1 – 5 hours over project duration 
Content DeveloperCreates learning content/packages for upload into the Docebo platform. As required 

3.0 General Assumptions

3.1 Project

  • Customer has the minimum number of mandatory resources available as outlined in section 2.2
  • Customer will provide technical resources to provide internal system knowledge and configure technical components, SSO, etc as determined to be in scope for launch during discovery.
  • Customer will be prepared to start the project with a defined set of requirements communicated during the discovery phase (weeks 1-2) and further captured in the discovery exercise minimum viable product (“MVP”) features, functionality, use cases, and workflows desired for the initial launch of the Docebo platform.
  • Customer completes the “Docebo Ready” course inside of Docebo University before the Kickoff.
  • Customer completes the required training inside Docebo University before scheduled meetings.
  • Customer will designate one person as the main point of contact with Docebo for the project. 
  • Customer is responsible for platform configuration and validation for launch.
  • Customer is responsible for providing completed files for data migration eg. historical user data and/or content within 3 weeks of the project Kickoff.

3.2 Suspension 

Customer may suspend the services described in this Exhibit in accordance with the terms of the Master Services Agreement between Customer and Docebo. In the event that the Master Services Agreement is silent on this topic, then the following term applies:

If Customer needs to temporarily suspend the services described in this Exhibit during the Delivery Period, then Customer must provide written notice no less than two (2) weeks prior to the date they wish to commence such temporary suspension. In this written notice Customer must provide the following: 

(i) Customer’s reasons for temporary suspension; 

(ii) date Customer requests the suspension status begin; and 

(iii) date Customer anticipates suspension status to end.

Docebo will review and determine, in its sole and reasonable discretion, to accept such requests. In the event Customer requests to restart the services earlier or later than the originally requested date, Customer must provide at least two (2) weeks’ notice of such change and Docebo will use commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate such request. Additionally, depending on the requested length of such suspension, Docebo will work with Customer to set a mutually agreeable re-start date based on the availability of the original resources assigned to the Customer and other resources that may be assigned to the Customer. Customer may only request and go into such suspension status once during the Delivery Period. 

3.3 Services Expiration

The Services must be used within the twelve (12) month period from the Order Form Start Date and any unused Services cannot be carried forward to subsequent years.

If the preceding obligations are not met during the Delivery Period and the anticipated launch date changes, through no fault of Docebo, the Parties shall work together in good faith to complete the Services on an extended schedule, taking into account the availability of Docebo’s resources. If the Customer requires Docebo to commit additional time or resources to the Services, the Parties shall enter into a change request SOW which will detail such additional services and timelines and may be subject to additional fees.

[End of Essential onboarding]


Docebo will provide Customer with its “Advantage” package of onboarding services. This package includes a designated Solution Deployment Manager (defined in section 2.1) who guides administrators through the defined phases and milestones to ensure a successful and timely launch over the course of twelve (12) weeks (the “Delivery Period”) from the initial meeting where the Parties will establish the commencement of the onboarding services (the “Kickoff”). The onboarding services will be delivered via consulting and feedback calls (up to 60 minutes per week) at a cadence to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. Project support is provided via email in addition to weekly consulting calls.

1.0 Delivery Schedule

1.1 Onboarding 

The weekly schedule, phases and milestones for the onboarding service are as follows:

Weeks 1-2: Project Kickoff and discovery

The Kickoff and discovery phase of onboarding will occur in the first two weeks and the Parties will work together to set the stage for a successful implementation of the Software Service. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule a Kickoff call to introduce stakeholders, review the contract, review roles and responsibilities, and set expectations;
  • schedule a discovery call to review Customer use cases as submitted via the discovery exercise;
  • create an onboarding plan that outlines minimum viable product (“MVP”) features, functionality, use cases, and workflows desired for the initial launch of the Docebo platform.

In this period Customer will:

  • access Docebo University and complete the administrator training;
  • complete the discovery exercise and provide the use case document to the Docebo resource prior to project Kickoff;
  • attend and participate in the Kickoff and discovery calls; and
  • assemble their onboarding project team.

Once the above is completed by the Parties, the next phase of onboarding may commence.

Weeks 3-9: Configuration

The configuration phase of onboarding will occur between weeks 3-9 and in this period Docebo will support and guide Customer as they make decisions on the configuration of their platform to align to their use cases. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule and host weekly consulting and feedback calls;
  • advise Customer on a number of topics that will include, but is not limited to:
    • user management (users, branches, power users, groups)
    • platform branding (pages, menus, widgets, logos, colors, images)
    • content management (central repository, training materials, courses, learning plans, certifications, catalogs, enrollments)
    • reports (creating and managing user and course reports)
    • notifications (managing and sending notifications)
    • additional apps and features as applicable (enrollment rules, certifications, gamification, etc)
  • support Customer in validating configured workflows and completion of agreed-upon use cases.

In this period Customer will:

  • attend weekly consulting and feedback calls;
  • complete assigned activities and training prior to each weekly call; and
  • configure and validate configurations in the platform in preparation for launch.
Weeks 10-11: Validate and launch 

In the final weeks, Docebo will support Customer as they perform final validations in preparation for the launch of the Software Service to their identified End Users. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • provide guidance to prepare for final validations ahead of agreed upon launch date; and
  • support and guide Customer via weekly status, email and additional ad hoc meetings to address feedback and resolve gaps identified.

In this period Customer will:

  • complete full cycle of validation within the platform to prepare for planned launch; and
  • participate in meetings to address feedback and resolve gaps prior to planned launch.

Once final plans for launch of the Software Service have occurred, Docebo will schedule a final call with Customer to transition them to Docebo’s Customer Experience Team. 

Weeks 12: Project closure and transition to adoption phase 

Docebo will support Customer as they prepare to transition from onboarding to Docebo’s Customer Experience team.  As preparation for this transition, we will work to define final plans for launch of the Software Service.  

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule onboarding closure transition meeting;
  • continue to support Customer through transition to the Docebo Customer Experience Team; and
  • send an onboarding completion survey.

In this period Customer will:

  • determine next phase of adoption;
  • attend onboarding closure and transition meeting; and
  • provide feedback to Docebo via the onboarding completion survey.

1.2 Data Migration 

As part of the onboarding services Docebo will provide data migration services during the Delivery Period to assist with moving Customer’s historical data into Customer’s instance of the Docebo platform.

In this period Docebo will:

  • provide a document describing the CSV format required for import into the Docebo platform;
  • execute migration on the following data types up to 250,000 total records:
    • users
    • course shells
    • ILT sessions
    • certifications
    • enrollment records
  • migrate up to 250 training materials;
  • perform one (1) iteration of the data migration for each import type in the Customer sandbox. (If Customer does not have a sandbox, a temporary one will be provided); and
  • perform one (1) iteration of the data migration in the Customer production environment to occur only after the Customer has signed off on the sandbox migration.

In this period Customer will:

  • obtain all necessary data required for the import process and provide it to Docebo in the CSV format specified in the Docebo migration document;
  • review the sandbox data fully and sign off on the sandbox migration prior to the production migration; and 
  • responsible for fixing any source data issues identified in the sandbox migration prior to the production migration.

For clarity, Docebo makes no guarantee of the data quality of import files provided by the Customer. In the event of a data quality issue due to formatting or data integrity issues in the Customer-provided CSV files, additional charges to rectify such issues may apply.

2.0 Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 Docebo Roles

This Section outlines the roles provided by Docebo, either directly or through the approved Subcontractor, at its direction, in this project and their responsibilities during the Docebo onboarding service. 

Docebo Project Team
Solution Deployment ManagerDocebo platform expert to provide best practice guidance and support on how to leverage platform functionality to meet business requirements. Facilitates scheduled virtual meetings, supports project updates, and provides email support. 
Project SponsorDocebo Professional Services leader is designated to oversee the success of the project and act as a strategic partner. Participates in ad hoc virtual meetings as needed and monitors the progress of the overall project to ensure seamless delivery. 

2.2 Customer Roles

This Section outlines the required Customer roles, responsibilities, and estimated time commitments needed to implement and configure the Docebo platform. All of the responsibilities listed must be covered but may be managed within the scope of a required role. 

Customer Project Team

*Required Resource

ResponsibilitiesEstimated Weekly Effort 
*Leadership Sponsor Leadership Sponsor to the project, key decision maker, ensures project goals are aligned to Customer strategy, and participates in executive review sessions as needed. As needed 
* Platform AdminLeads setup of the Docebo platform to meet desired use cases. Receives platform admin training to become familiar with the Docebo platform. Owns configurations of the system for all operational requirements. 20 – 30 hours 
*IT StakeholderMeets with the Docebo project resource(s) and owns the configuration of APIs, Webhooks, SSO configuration, 3rd party system integrations, etc. Attends troubleshooting calls as necessary.   Generally, effort is increased during the integration and data migration phases when applicable.  2 – 6 hours 
Project ManagerCoordinates activities across other teams and individuals within the Customer. 5 -10 hours 
Platform Admin (Backup)Assists with the setup of the Docebo platform to meet desired use cases. Receives platform admin training to become familiar with the Docebo platform.5 – 15 hours 
Business Stakeholder(s)Defines use case(s) required for the Docebo platform and other products. Generally, effort is increased during the Discovery phase. As needed 
Marketing/DesignProvides branding and style guidance and owns the configuration of platform design and branding elements.  Generally, effort is increased during the initial weeks of configuration to establish branding. 1 – 5 hours over project duration 
Content DeveloperCreates learning content/packages for upload into the Docebo platform. As required 

3.0 General Assumptions

3.1 Project

  • Customer has the minimum number of mandatory resources available as outlined in section 2.2.
  • Customer will provide technical resources to provide internal system knowledge and configure technical components, SSO, etc as determined to be in scope for launch during discovery.
  • Customer will be prepared to start the project with a defined set of requirements communicated during the discovery phase (weeks 1-2) and further captured in the discovery exercise minimum viable product (“MVP”) features, functionality, use cases, and workflows desired for the initial launch of the Docebo platform.
  • Customer completes the “Docebo Ready” course inside of Docebo University before the Kickoff.
  • Customer completes the required training inside Docebo University before scheduled meetings.
  • Customer will designate one person as the main point of contact with Docebo for the project. 
  • Customer is responsible for platform configuration and validation for launch.
  • Customer is responsible for providing completed files for data migration eg. historical user data and/or content within 3 weeks of the project Kickoff.

3.2 Suspension 

Customer may suspend the services described in this Exhibit in accordance with the terms of the Master Services Agreement between Customer and Docebo. In the event that the Master Services Agreement is silent on this topic, then the following term applies:

If Customer needs to temporarily suspend the services described in this Exhibit during the Delivery Period, then Customer must provide written notice no less than two (2) weeks prior to the date they wish to commence such temporary suspension. In this written notice Customer must provide the following: 

(i) Customer’s reasons for temporary suspension; 

(ii) date Customer requests the suspension status begin; and 

(iii) date Customer anticipates suspension status to end.

Docebo will review and determine, in its sole and reasonable discretion, to accept such requests. In the event Customer requests to restart the services earlier or later than the originally requested date, Customer must provide at least two (2) weeks’ notice of such change and Docebo will use commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate such request. Additionally, depending on the requested length of such suspension, Docebo will work with Customer to set a mutually agreeable re-start date based on the availability of the original resources assigned to the Customer and other resources that may be assigned to the Customer. Customer may only request and go into such suspension status once during the Delivery Period. 

3.3 Services Expiration

The Services must be used within the twelve (12) month period from the Order Form Start Date and any unused Services cannot be carried forward to subsequent years.

If the preceding obligations are not met during the Delivery Period and the anticipated launch date changes, through no fault of Docebo, the Parties shall work together in good faith to complete the Services on an extended schedule, taking into account the availability of Docebo’s resources. If the Customer requires Docebo to commit additional time or resources to the Services, the Parties shall enter into a change request SOW which will detail such additional services and timelines and may be subject to additional fees.

[End of Advantage onboarding]


Docebo will provide Customer with its “Premier” package of onboarding services. This package includes a designated Project Team (defined in section 2.1) who guides administrators through the defined phases and milestones to ensure a successful and timely launch over the course of sixteen (16) weeks (the “Delivery Period”) from the initial meeting where the Parties will establish the commencement of the onboarding services (the “Kickoff”). The onboarding services will be delivered via consulting and feedback calls (average of 90 minutes per week) at a cadence to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. Project support is provided via email in addition to weekly consulting calls.

1.0 Delivery Schedule

1.1 Onboarding 

The weekly schedule, phases and milestones for the onboarding service are as follows:

Weeks 1-3: Project Kickoff and discovery

The Kickoff and discovery phase of onboarding will occur in the first three weeks and the Parties will work together to set the stage for a successful implementation of the Software Service. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule a Kickoff call to introduce stakeholders, review the contract, review roles and responsibilities, and set expectations;
  • schedule a discovery call to review Customer use cases as submitted via the discovery exercise;
  • create an onboarding plan that outlines the minimum viable product (“MVP”) features, functionality, use cases, and workflows desired for the initial launch of the Docebo platform.

In this period Customer will:

  • access Docebo University and complete the administrator training;
  • complete the discovery exercise and provide the use case document to the Docebo resource prior to project Kickoff;
  • attend and participate in the Kickoff and discovery calls; and
  • assemble their onboarding project team.

Once the above is completed by the Parties, the next phase of onboarding may commence.

Weeks 4-12: Configuration

The configuration phase of onboarding will occur between weeks 4-12 and in this period Docebo will support and guide Customer as they make decisions on the configuration of their platform to align to their use cases. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule and host weekly consulting and feedback calls;
  • advise Customer on a number of topics that will include, but is not limited to:
    • user management (users, branches, power users, groups)
    • platform branding (pages, menus, widgets, logos, colors, images)
    • content management (central repository, training materials, courses, learning plans, certifications, catalogs, enrollments)
    • reports (creating and managing user and course reports)
    • notifications (managing and sending notifications)
    • additional apps and features as applicable (enrollment rules, certifications, gamification, etc)
  • support Customer in validating configured workflows and completion of agreed-upon use cases.

In this period Customer will:

  • attend weekly consulting and feedback calls;
  • complete assigned activities and training prior to each weekly call; and
  • configure and validate configurations in the platform in preparation for launch.
Weeks 13-15: Validate and launch 

In the final weeks, Docebo will support Customer as they perform final validations in preparation for the launch of the Software Service to their identified End Users. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • provide guidance to prepare for final validations ahead of agreed upon launch date; and
  • support and guide Customer via weekly status, email and additional ad hoc meetings to address feedback and resolve gaps identified.

In this period Customer will:

  • complete full cycle of validation within the platform to prepare for planned launch; and
  • participate in meetings to address feedback and resolve gaps prior to planned launch.

Once final plans for launch of the Software Service have occurred, Docebo will schedule a final call with Customer to transition them to Docebo’s Customer Experience Team. 

Weeks 16: Project closure and transition to adoption phase 

Docebo will support Customer as they prepare to transition from onboarding to Docebo’s Customer Experience team.  As preparation for this transition, we will work to define final plans for launch of the Software Service.  

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule onboarding closure transition meeting;
  • continue to support Customer through transition to the Docebo Customer Experience Team; and
  • send an onboarding completion survey.

In this period Customer will:

  • determine next phase of adoption;
  • attend onboarding closure and transition meeting; and
  • provide feedback to Docebo via the onboarding completion survey.

1.2 Data Migration 

As part of the onboarding services Docebo will provide data migration services during the Delivery Period to assist with moving Customer’s historical data into Customer’s instance of the Docebo platform.

In this period Docebo will:

  • provide a document describing the CSV format required for import into the Docebo platform;
  • execute migration on the following data types up to 500,000 total records:
    • users
    • course shells
    • ILT sessions
    • certifications
    • enrollment records
  • migrate up to 500 training materials;
  • perform one (1) iteration of the data migration for each import type in the Customer sandbox. (If Customer does not have a sandbox, a temporary one will be provided); and
  • perform one (1) iteration of the data migration in the Customer production environment to occur only after the Customer has signed off on the sandbox migration.

In this period Customer will:

  • obtain all necessary data required for the import process and provide it to Docebo in the CSV format specified in the Docebo migration document;
  • review the sandbox data fully and sign off on the sandbox migration prior to the production migration; and 
  • responsible for fixing any source data issues identified in the sandbox migration prior to the production migration.

For clarity, Docebo makes no guarantee of the data quality of import files provided by the Customer. In the event of a data quality issue due to formatting or data integrity issues in the Customer-provided CSV files, additional charges to rectify such issues may apply.

2.0 Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 Docebo Roles

This Section outlines the roles provided by Docebo, either directly or through the approved Subcontractor, at its direction, in this project and their responsibilities during the Docebo onboarding service. 

Docebo Project Team
RoleResponsibilitiesMeeting Time Allocated
Solution Deployment ManagerDocebo platform expert to provide best practice guidance and support on how to leverage platform functionality to meet business requirements. Facilitates scheduled virtual meetings, supports project updates, and provides email support. average 90 minutes per week
Technical Deployment ManagerDocebo platform expert with the technical expertise to provide support and guidance for technical integration (APIs, Webhooks, SSO Configuration, 3rd party system integrations, etc) workflows and configurations.  Facilitates scheduled virtual meetings, supports project updates and provides email support.five (5) technical calls up to 60 minutes each
Project SponsorDocebo Professional Services leader is designated to oversee the success of the project and act as a strategic partner. Participates in ad hoc virtual meetings as needed and monitors the progress of the overall project to ensure seamless delivery. As needed

2.2 Customer Roles

This Section outlines the required Customer roles, responsibilities, and estimated time commitments needed to implement and configure the Docebo platform. All of the responsibilities listed must be covered but may be managed within the scope of a required role. 

Customer Project Team

*Required Resource

ResponsibilitiesEstimated Weekly Effort 
*Leadership Sponsor Leadership Sponsor to the project, key decision maker, ensures project goals are aligned to Customer strategy, and participates in executive review sessions as needed. As needed 
*Docebo platform AdminLeads setup of the Docebo platform to meet desired use cases. Receives platform admin training to become familiar with the Docebo platform. Owns configurations of the system for all operational requirements. 20 – 30 hours 
*IT StakeholderMeets with the Docebo project resource(s) and owns the configuration of APIs, Webhooks, SSO configuration, 3rd party system integrations, etc. Attends troubleshooting calls as necessary.   Generally, effort is increased during the integration and data migration phases when applicable.  2 – 6 hours 
Project ManagerCoordinates activities across other teams and individuals within the Customer. 5 -10 hours 
Platform Admin (Backup)Assists with the setup of the Docebo platform to meet desired use cases. Receives platform admin training to become familiar with the Docebo platform.5 – 15 hours 
Business Stakeholder(s)Defines use case(s) required for the Docebo platform and other products. Generally, effort is increased during the Discovery phase. As needed 
Marketing/DesignProvides branding and style guidance and owns the configuration of platform design and branding elements.  Generally, effort is increased during the initial weeks of configuration to establish branding. 1 – 5 hours over project duration 
Content DeveloperCreates learning content/packages for upload into the Docebo platform. As required 

3.0 General Assumptions

3.1 Project

  • Customer has the minimum number of mandatory resources available as outlined in section 2.2.
  • Customer will provide technical resources to provide internal system knowledge and configure technical components, SSO, etc as determined to be in scope for launch during discovery.
  • Customer will be prepared to start the project with a defined set of requirements communicated during the discovery phase (weeks 1-3) and further captured in the discovery exercise minimum viable product (“MVP”) features, functionality, use cases, and workflows desired for the initial launch of the Docebo platform.
  • Customer completes the “Docebo Ready” course inside of Docebo University before the Kickoff.
  • Customer completes the required training inside Docebo University before scheduled meetings.
  • Customer will designate one person as the main point of contact with Docebo for the project.
  • Customer is responsible for platform configuration and validation for launch.
  • Customer is responsible for providing completed files for data migration eg. historical user data and/or content within 3 weeks of the project Kickoff.

3.2 Suspension 

Customer may suspend the services described in this Exhibit in accordance with the terms of the Master Services Agreement between Customer and Docebo. In the event that the Master Services Agreement is silent on this topic, then the following term applies:

If Customer needs to temporarily suspend the services described in this Exhibit during the Delivery Period, then Customer must provide written notice no less than two (2) weeks prior to the date they wish to commence such temporary suspension. In this written notice Customer must provide the following: 

(i) Customer’s reasons for temporary suspension; 

(ii) date Customer requests the suspension status begin; and 

(iii) date Customer anticipates suspension status to end.

Docebo will review and determine, in its sole and reasonable discretion, to accept such requests. In the event Customer requests to restart the services earlier or later than the originally requested date, Customer must provide at least two (2) weeks’ notice of such change and Docebo will use commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate such request. Additionally, depending on the requested length of such suspension, Docebo will work with Customer to set a mutually agreeable re-start date based on the availability of the original resources assigned to the Customer and other resources that may be assigned to the Customer. Customer may only request and go into such suspension status once during the Delivery Period. 

3.3 Services Expiration

The Services must be used within the twelve (12) month period from the Order Form Start Date and any unused Services cannot be carried forward to subsequent years.

If the preceding obligations are not met during the Delivery Period and the anticipated launch date changes, through no fault of Docebo, the Parties shall work together in good faith to complete the Services on an extended schedule, taking into account the availability of Docebo’s resources. If the Customer requires Docebo to commit additional time or resources to the Services, the Parties shall enter into a change request SOW which will detail such additional services and timelines and may be subject to additional fees.

[End of Premier onboarding]


Docebo will provide Customer with its “Elite” package of onboarding services. This package includes a designated Project Team (defined in section 2.1) who guides administrators through the defined phases and milestones to ensure a successful and timely launch over the course of twenty (20) weeks (the “Delivery Period”) from the initial meeting where the Parties will establish the commencement of the onboarding services (the “Kickoff”). The onboarding services will be delivered via consulting and feedback calls (average of 160 minutes per week) at a cadence to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. Project support is provided via email in addition to weekly consulting calls.

1.0 Delivery Schedule

1.1 Onboarding 

The weekly schedule, phases and milestones for the onboarding service are as follows:

Weeks 1-3: Project Kickoff and discovery

The Kickoff and discovery phase of onboarding will occur in the first three weeks and the Parties will work together to set the stage for a successful implementation of the Software Service. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule a Kickoff call to introduce stakeholders, review the contract, review roles and responsibilities, and set expectations;
  • schedule a discovery call to review Customer use cases as submitted via the discovery exercise;
  • create an onboarding plan that outlines the minimum viable product (“MVP”) features, functionality, use cases, and workflows desired for the initial launch of the Docebo platform.

In this period Customer will:

  • access Docebo University and complete the administrator training;
  • complete the discovery exercise and provide the use case document to the Docebo resource prior to project Kickoff;
  • attend and participate in the Kickoff and discovery calls; and
  • assemble their onboarding project team.

Once the above is completed by the Parties, the next phase of onboarding may commence.

Weeks 4-16: Configuration

The configuration phase of onboarding will occur between weeks 4-16 and in this period Docebo will support and guide Customer as they make decisions on the configuration of their platform to align to their use cases. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule and host weekly consulting and feedback calls;
  • advise Customer on a number of topics that will include, but is not limited to:
    • user management (users, branches, power users, groups)
    • platform branding (pages, menus, widgets, logos, colors, images)
    • content management (central repository, training materials, courses, learning plans, certifications, catalogs, enrollments)
    • reports (creating and managing user and course reports)
    • notifications (managing and sending notifications)
    • additional apps and features as applicable (enrollment rules, certifications, gamification, etc)
  • support Customer in validating configured workflows and completion of agreed-upon use cases.

In this period Customer will:

  • attend weekly consulting and feedback calls;
  • complete assigned activities and training prior to each weekly call; and
  • configure and validate configurations in the platform in preparation for launch.
Weeks 17-19: Validate and launch 

In the final weeks, Docebo will support Customer as they perform final validations in preparation for the launch of the Software Service to their identified End Users. 

In this period Docebo will:

  • provide guidance to prepare for final validations ahead of agreed upon launch date; and
  • support and guide Customer via weekly status, email and additional ad hoc meetings to address feedback and resolve gaps identified.

In this period Customer will:

  • complete full cycle of validation within the platform to prepare for planned launch; and
  • participate in meetings to address feedback and resolve gaps prior to planned launch.

Once final plans for launch of the Software Service have occurred, Docebo will schedule a final call with Customer to transition them to Docebo’s Customer Experience Team. 

Weeks 20: Project closure and transition to adoption phase 

Docebo will support Customer as they prepare to transition from onboarding to Docebo’s Customer Experience team.  As preparation for this transition, we will work to define final plans for launch of the Software Service.  

In this period Docebo will:

  • schedule onboarding closure transition meeting;
  • continue to support Customer through transition to the Docebo Customer Experience Team; and
  • send an onboarding completion survey.

In this period Customer will:

  • determine next phase of adoption;
  • attend onboarding closure and transition meeting; and
  • provide feedback to Docebo via the onboarding completion survey.

1.2 Data Migration 

As part of the onboarding services Docebo will provide data migration services during the Delivery Period to assist with moving Customer’s historical data into Customer’s instance of the Docebo platform.

In this period Docebo will:

  • provide a document describing the CSV format required for import into the Docebo platform;
  • execute migration on the following data types up to 500,000 total records:
    • users
    • course shells
    • ILT sessions
    • certifications
    • enrollment records
  • migrate up to 500 training materials;
  • perform one (1) iteration of the data migration for each import type in the Customer sandbox. (If Customer does not have a sandbox, a temporary one will be provided); and
  • perform one (1) iteration of the data migration in the Customer production environment to occur only after the Customer has signed off on the sandbox migration.

In this period Customer will:

  • obtain all necessary data required for the import process and provide it to Docebo in the CSV format specified in the Docebo migration document;
  • review the sandbox data fully and sign off on the sandbox migration prior to the production migration; and 
  • responsible for fixing any source data issues identified in the sandbox migration prior to the production migration.

For clarity, Docebo makes no guarantee of the data quality of import files provided by the Customer. In the event of a data quality issue due to formatting or data integrity issues in the Customer-provided CSV files, additional charges to rectify such issues may apply.

2.0 Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 Docebo Roles

This Section outlines the roles provided by Docebo, either directly or through the approved Subcontractor, at its direction, in this project and their responsibilities during the Docebo onboarding service. 

Docebo Project Team
RoleResponsibilitiesMeeting Time Allocated
Solution Deployment ManagerDocebo platform expert to provide best practice guidance and support on how to leverage platform functionality to meet business requirements. Facilitates scheduled virtual meetings, supports project updates, and provides email support. average 90 minutes per week
Technical Deployment ManagerDocebo platform expert with the technical expertise to provide support and guidance for technical integration (APIs, Webhooks, SSO Configuration, 3rd party system integrations, etc) workflows and configurations.  Facilitates scheduled virtual meetings, supports project updates and provides email support.average 60 minutes per week
Project ManagerDocebo project management resource responsible for managing process groups and areas, communication and coordination of tasks and activities throughout the project.  Provision and maintenance of the project plan in alignment with Customer requirements via Docebo’s online project management toolaverage 30 minutes per week
Project SponsorDocebo Professional Services leader is designated to oversee the success of the project and act as a strategic partner. Participates in ad hoc virtual meetings as needed and monitors the progress of the overall project to ensure seamless delivery. As needed

2.2 Customer Roles

This Section outlines the required Customer roles, responsibilities, and estimated time commitments needed to implement and configure the Docebo platform. All of the responsibilities listed must be covered but may be managed within the scope of a required role. 

Customer Project Team

*Required Resource

ResponsibilitiesEstimated Weekly Effort 
*Leadership Sponsor Leadership Sponsor to the project, key decision maker, ensures project goals are aligned to Customer strategy, and participates in executive review sessions as needed. As needed 
*Platform AdminLeads setup of the Docebo platform to meet desired use cases. Receives platform admin training to become familiar with the Docebo platform. Owns configurations of the system for all operational requirements. 20 – 30 hours 
*IT StakeholderMeets with the Docebo project resource(s) and owns the configuration of APIs, Webhooks, SSO configuration, 3rd party system integrations, etc. Attends troubleshooting calls as necessary.   Generally, effort is increased during the integration and data migration phases when applicable.  2 – 6 hours 
Project ManagerCoordinates activities across other teams and individuals within the Customer. 5 -10 hours 
Platform Admin (Backup)Assists with the setup of the Docebo platform to meet desired use cases. Receives platform admin training to become familiar with the Docebo platform.5 – 15 hours 
Business Stakeholder(s)Defines use case(s) required for the Docebo platform and other products. Generally, effort is increased during the discovery phase. As needed 
Marketing/DesignProvides branding and style guidance and owns the configuration of platform design and branding elements.  Generally, effort is increased during the initial weeks of configuration to establish branding. 1 – 5 hours over project duration 
Content DeveloperCreates learning content/packages for upload into the Docebo platform. As required 

3.0 General Assumptions

3.1 Project

  • Customer has the minimum number of mandatory resources available as outlined in section 2.2.
  • Customer will provide technical resources to provide internal system knowledge and configure technical components, SSO, etc as determined to be in scope for launch during discovery.
  • Customer will be prepared to start the project with a defined set of requirements communicated during the discovery phase (weeks 1-3) and further captured in the discovery exercise minimum viable product (“MVP”) features, functionality, use cases, and workflows desired for the initial launch of the Docebo platform.
  • Customer completes the “Docebo Ready” course inside of Docebo University before the Kickoff.
  • Customer completes the required training inside Docebo University before scheduled meetings.
  • Customer will designate one person as the main point of contact with Docebo for the project.
  • Customer is responsible for platform configuration and validation for launch.
  • Customer is responsible for providing completed files for data migration eg. historical user data and/or content within 3 weeks of the project Kickoff.

3.2 Suspension 

Customer may suspend the services described in this Exhibit in accordance with the terms of the Master Services Agreement between Customer and Docebo. If the Master Services Agreement is silent on this topic, then the following term applies:

If Customer needs to temporarily suspend the services described in this Exhibit during the Delivery Period, then Customer must provide written notice no less than two (2) weeks prior to the date they wish to commence such temporary suspension. In this written notice Customer must provide the following: 

(i) Customer’s reasons for temporary suspension; 

(ii) date Customer requests the suspension status begin; and 

(iii) date Customer anticipates suspension status to end.

Docebo will review and determine, in its sole and reasonable discretion, to accept such requests. In the event Customer requests to restart the services earlier or later than the originally requested date, Customer must provide at least two (2) weeks’ notice of such change and Docebo will use commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate such request. Additionally, depending on the requested length of such suspension, Docebo will work with Customer to set a mutually agreeable re-start date based on the availability of the original resources assigned to the Customer and other resources that may be assigned to the Customer. Customer may only request and go into such suspension status once during the Delivery Period. 

3.3 Services Expiration

The Services must be used within the twelve (12) month period from the Order Form Start Date and any unused Services cannot be carried forward to subsequent years.

If the preceding obligations are not met during the Delivery Period and the anticipated launch date changes, through no fault of Docebo, the Parties shall work together in good faith to complete the Services on an extended schedule, taking into account the availability of Docebo’s resources. If the Customer requires Docebo to commit additional time or resources to the Services, the Parties shall enter into a change request SOW which will detail such additional services and timelines and may be subject to additional fees.

[End of Elite onboarding]