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How Docebo helped FintechOS launch their global Academy


weeks to launch a global program


registered users


courses completed per user


is a high-tech company that helps banks, financial institutions, and insurers quickly build and launch financial products that are data-driven, scalable, and customer-centric.

Roxana Talef is a learning solutions architect and the manager of the training team for FintechOS and is quoted throughout this case study.

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The Challenge

Choosing, configuring, and launching their new LMS–all in only two months

The technology FintechOS produces is evolving at a really fast pace. As the business was scaling and growing, enablement became a critical priority.

They already had a talented in-house team of instructional designers and training content producers. Next, they needed to find an agile learning management system (LMS) with the technical capability to scale with them as their company continued to grow.

To make matters trickier, FintechOS had a hard launch deadline a little over two months away, at their annual digital banking & insurance summit. They were expecting hundreds of people to register for the new FintechOS Academy at the event directly from their mobile devices.

If the LMS wasn’t ready in time for the event or if customers encountered technical issues, FintechOS would miss out on a key opportunity to drive adoption.

“This announcement was one of the highlights of our annual global event, and it was critical for us to have a smooth process. If we didn’t, we would miss out on a huge communication opportunity.”

The Solution

Easy implementation and stellar technical support from a trusted partner

FintechOS began looking for an agile learning platform to support their vision. They needed to find a system that was approachable, with a learning experience that was intuitive and accessible.
FintechOS chose Docebo Learn LMS for its scalability and flexibility–but they also realized that Docebo’s supportive solution deployment managers (SDMs), great technical support, and clear documentation would help them move quickly through the implementation process.

The FintechOS team went through several enablement sessions with their Docebo SDM, which helped them grasp the system’s capabilities and configure the platform. Having the support of a technical team they could count on made it easy to trust the platform’s capabilities.

Onboarding the training department went smoothly. FintechOS leveraged a power user framework to provide visibility and divide ownership of the learning lifecycle, from content creation to session delivery, management and administration of learning content, as well as reporting.

Docebo’s automation and templated reports, as well as the ease of setting up power user roles,
all contributed to the smooth administrative operations required for launch and scaling.

“We were looking for a partner; a vendor we could trust. Our ambitious launch required a collaborative relationship with technical support and the deployment managers. And from the very beginning, the account executives at Docebo handled everything so well. The communication with them was great.”

The Results

A successful global launch for FintechOS Academy

After seven weeks, FintechOS launched the platform internally for over 400 employees. Then, only nine weeks after procurement, the big day arrived: FintechOS launched FintechOS Academy for their partner ecosystem at their global conference.

The launch was a phenomenal success. FintechOS was able to capitalize on this messaging opportunity and introduce this platform to a huge portion of their user base at once. Users were able to register directly from their phones and begin learning right away.

Since their launch, each user has completed an average of five to seven courses. Thanks to a smooth launch and a productive partnership with the Docebo team, FintechOS Academy continues to be a fantastic success for the company.

“Between assessing the training needs and designing the content, launching an academy is a high-stake and stressful project. But having an LMS that was so reliable simplified the whole process. Docebo gave us the full support to accomplish everything we set out to do.”

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