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How Docebo helped Bethany Care Society reduce orientation costs and save educator hours annually


Reduction in annual orientation costs saved


less time spent on new employee orientation


courses on the platform

Bethany Care Society

is one of the largest faith-based, not-for-profit providers of continuing care services and independent living for seniors in central and southern Alberta, with over 2,000 employees across nine different locations.

Dawn Larche is the Manager of Learning and Development at Bethany Seniors. Julian Austin is the Manager of IT Business Solutions at Bethany Care Society and are quoted throughout this case study.

Visit Bethany Care Society

The Challenge

Choosing, cPivoting to online training during a pandemiconfiguring, and launching their new LMS–all in only two months

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Bethany Care Society had to radically reimagine their staff orientation and training model. Previously, each new staff member was required to attend in-person classroom training sessions, which were between one to two full days. The pandemic made it impossible to gather large groups of people for orientation.

As professionals in the healthcare field, it is essential to train new hires on topics like infection prevention and control, privacy, and resident care before they start at one of Bethany Care Society’s senior care facilities.

The Bethany education team managed to cobble together a virtual training solution on a patchwork of systems, but the process was difficult for users to navigate and time-consuming for educators to put together.

Bethany Care Society needed a more efficient solution.

“We rigged together a number of different systems to provide a basic online orientation. But Dawn and I knew it wasn’t going to be a sustainable model going forward.”

The Solution

A powerful LMS with mobile functionality

Bethany Care Society began an expedited selection and implementation process to find a learning management system (LMS) to onboard their new hires.

They chose Docebo for its intuitive UX and mobile app functionality: as frontline healthcare workers, their staff needed microlearning they could complete on-the-go from their tablet or mobile phone.

Docebo’s robust enrollment rules allow them to curate content for different positions and locations automatically. They also integrated the LMS with their HR management system, so educators don’t have to input any new employee information manually.

Thanks to Docebo, Bethany Care Society can onboard new employees as soon as they’re hired, instead of waiting for the next monthly in-person session.

“Before Docebo, we would have in-class orientation once or twice a month. Having new hires complete their orientation on the LMS, before their first shift, is hugely beneficial to our operations.”

The Results

24% orientation costs saved and ramp up time for new hires reduced by 45%

Bethany Care Society began seeing a return on investment immediately after switching to Docebo.

Overall, Docebo has helped Bethany Care Society reduce orientation costs by 24% annually. Switching to online learning saves educators 372 hours of in-classroom time, and the number of orientation hours for new hires has been reduced by 45%.

Now, new hires can complete orientation before their start date, and arrive for their first shift ready to hit the ground running. New hires can start working sooner, and educators can focus their time and energy on developing competency and skills-based courses instead. Plus, new hires no longer have to attend courses that aren’t relevant to them, saving even more time.

Online courses help Bethany Care Society keep messaging consistent, which is especially important for compliance. They can guarantee that every employee is receiving the same information.

Virtual learning also makes it easier to communicate protocol changes and new health orders during the pandemic. They don’t need to worry about gathering shift workers with different schedules into a classroom.

Most importantly, employees love the new virtual training.

“Our new employees have been overwhelmingly positive about the new
onboarding process. We’ve had employees tell us that this is the best training they’ve received in their 30-year careers, and that this is the most engaging and informative orientation they’ve ever seen.”

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