Cloud Based e-Learning Platforms: 10 Advantages eLearning Professionals Need To Know

• 4 min read
Lack of data security, unreliable access, and the absence of IT support resources are just some of the myths surrounding cloud based LMS / eLearning platforms and some of the issues that prevent upper management from signing off on a cloud eLearning platform for your organization.Fortunately, you can use this list of 10 advantages that your boss wants to know about cloud based eLearning platforms to win them over.

1. Easy to setup and maintain.

Who wants to waste valuable resources on installing an eLearning platform solution? Definitely not your boss! One of the most significant benefits of a cloud based LMS platform is that setup and maintenance is quick and convenient. You don’t need to install any software, and the LMS provider automatically updates the system to integrate new features and make it multi-browser friendly.

2. A cloud based eLearning platform is cost efficient.

This is probably going to be the point that seals the deal with upper management. Investing in a cloud based LMS platform is actually more cost efficient than purchasing a software-based eLearning option. You only pay for what you use, rather than having to spend precious resources on features that your organization doesn’t need. You also don’t have to pay any setup fees, and upgrades to the system come at no extra cost.

3. Improves employee retention.

Employees who have access to online learning materials and skill development resources are more likely to stay put. It’s a simple fact. If they know that they can get the tools they need to do their job effectively, they are more satisfied and confident while at work. A cloud based eLearning platform gives your employees access to round-the-clock online training, so that they can develop their skills when it’s most convenient for them.

4. Dramatically increases employee productivity.

In addition to happier employees, a cloud based eLearning platform is also going to ensure more productive employees. They will now have the resources they need to keep customers informed and have an in depth understanding of the company policies and procedures, thanks to the cloud based training. If they need to look up the specs for a new product line, they can do so within a matter of seconds in order to land the sale. All the information is right there when they need it, which leads to improved on-the-job performance.

5. Allows for seamless collaboration in the distributed workforce.

If you have a global workforce, a cloud eLearning platform can give them the ability to access the online training materials remotely and get the support they need instantaneously. Localizing your eLearning course for employees who may speak a different language or have a different cultural background is even easier with a cloud based eLearning platform, as well as much more cost efficient.

6. Grows with the company’s ever-evolving training needs.

When your company expands, the cloud based eLearning platform can expand right along with it. There’s no need to purchase additional hardware or online services, because the cloud training solution can scale to meet the growing demands of your organization. This is also ideal for companies which frequently update their products or policies, especially those who need to stay up-to-date with compliance procedures.

7. Cloud based e-Learning platforms are dependable.

One of the primary reservations that many managers have about switching to the cloud is that it isn’t dependable. However, local servers are often less reliable than the cloud, as it is far easier to lose documents due to theft, hardware damage, or even a natural disaster. When your online training course is on the cloud, all of the information is centralized and backed up remotely. This means that you don’t have to worry about losing any of your sensitive data.

8. Offers mobile training to on-the-go employees.

While they are waiting to hop on the train to work in the morning, they can login via their mobile phones, or access moment-of-need information out on the sales floor by using their tablets. More and more employees are starting to take advantage of mobile learning, thanks to the rise of mobile device usage. By using a cloud based eLearning platform you can make your online training available to your employees whenever, wherever, even when they are away from the workplace.

9. No internal IT support is required.

If your organization opts for an installed eLearning platform solution there are many things to consider, such as building a solid IT infrastructure and having dedicated IT staff to oversee the deployment. A cloud based eLearning platform, on the other hand, requires no internal IT support whatsoever. In fact, many of the best cloud based solutions have IT and customer service staff who can address any issues that may arise.

10. Cloud based e-Learning platforms are safe.

A common myth regarding cloud based eLearning platforms is that they simply aren’t safe. Many mistakenly believe that the information you store on the cloud is vulnerable, and that an installed solution can protect your data more effectively. However, cloud solutions have a variety of safety measures in effect, from data encryption to SSL. You can even password protect certain sections of the eLearning platform to ensure that only certain individuals are granted access. If there are any attempted breaches, the system will automatically document the incident as well as any pertinent details.A cloud based eLearning platform can offer your organization a myriad of benefits, from more cost efficient employee development to stress-free setup and maintenance. Regardless of your industry, budget size, or employee count, cloud based learning management systems offer a great ROI.Are you looking for a cloud based LMS? The article The Ultimate List Of Cloud-Based Learning Management Systems provides you with a list of 20 learning management systems to consider.